My Next Race

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weigh In

For the past 3 years, I have weighed myself every Saturday morning and put down in an Excel spreadsheet how much I weigh. That is how I have kept track of my weight loss.

Well, I'm starting to gain muscle now and because muscle weighs more than fat, when I get on the scale on Saturday mornings, I'm starting to see the number go up instead of down. It really messes with my mind.

I realize I can't weigh myself every Saturday for the rest of my life. That is just unrealistic. But I'm not sure how I can go without weighing myself. Honestly, it scares me.

How do I go from weighing myself every Saturday to not weighing myself every Saturday? How do I not be scared about this? I need opinions please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lose the scale:) gauge it by how you feel and how your clothes fit! You are an amazing athlete, that lifestyle is good enough to keep you in check:) loves!